Indonesian Basketball

Big weekend for basketball at the Senayan Sports Complex next door to our apartment, so Derek and I went. It was the Indonesian Basketball League, the top level of basketball in Indonesia. Observations:
- Venue: Senayan Hall Basket (its actual name) reminds me a lot of the old Brown County Arena before the renovated it. Seats about 4,000 (they probably had 3,000 people at the game we were at. No air conditioning, but the breeze through the two open ends was very refreshing.
- Fans: I'd say 3,000 total, most of them smoking kretek clove cigarettes. They were very vociferous, screaming through the whole game. I think most of them were cheering for both teams.
- Quality of Play: strictly high school. Play is very physical, since the refs don't call most pushing, nor a lot of hacking. Didn't see a single player who could shoot with his left hand. The play is enthusiastic though, and the crowd energy keeps things fun.
Everything you wanted to know about Indonesian basketball can be found here. Try out your Bahasa!
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