A real MaHOOT!

Got a chance to ride an elephant the other day. Talk about a HOOT! You are not even strapped in on this thing, you just have a handle bar to hold on to. I swear I was going to fall off a few times. Our mahoot, or driver, thought we were pretty amusing as I kept yelling "Wohoo!" every time we walked through a river or up a hill or through a herd of animals. Joel told me later that while he was riding with Claire, he whipered in her ear, "We are on the island of Java, riding elephants." Kinda amazing. Check Derek's blog for a picture of us riding the elephants!
Thanks to all blog responders, it has been another hoot to hear from all of you who check in regularly. Your personal emails and comments on the site have been fun to receive. Thanks for your interest.
P.S. Sorry Joel tells all about my stomach ailments, those who know us well, know I can't control him!
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