Wednesday, April 05, 2006

More Feedback Please!

We had three people send us nags last week about updating our blog. So we did. For a while there, we were wondering who was keeping tabs on us. Now we know.

So, gentle reader, please click on the Comments link at the bottom of each article and leave us a little motivational to let us know who our audience is out there. And for those of you who have left anonymous comments (you, unlike us, know who you are), we would like to thank you personally for your comments. But we can't. Because you're anonymous.


At 7:15 PM, Blogger Thomas Clifford said...

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At 7:20 PM, Blogger Thomas Clifford said...

Oh yes I watch this site. 4-5 times a week I come strolling by to see what is happening. I love to see what is happening on the other side of the world. You make me smile... We miss you...

At 8:46 PM, Blogger Michael Glapa said...

I am enjoying each entry. All three blogs are syndicated so that I am notified when a new post appears. Hope you continue, very interesting.


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