Between a Hard Rock and a Birthday

I feel like we are getting things together a bit with more organized activities for the kids. Derek has been practicing with the Komodo Dragons, the Indonesian semi professional rugby team. I just thought they were a bunch of guys but no...they are semi famous! Derek can only practice as you have to be 18 to be on the team, but they like him and he really has fun playing with them. Derek is also joining a basketball team at the International School.
Claire starts soccer this week and we found a swim team for her too. We have made friends with one of Joel's co-workers and they have shown us the ropes around here so to speak.
So what about me? Well I am making it a goal of mine to get a 2 hour massage each week as they are only $14. (I find this to be proof that there is a real God) and I vow to get more organized with Claire's schooling. If she gets bad grades I swear it will be all my fault as I feel like I don't know what I am doing sometimes. I keep telling myself that this is my chance to redo those math lessons I never really got back when I was in 5th grade. But the on line school will come in handy as we have heard that in the next month or so we will be heading off to Manila and Singepore. We are looking at some weekend trips to Borobordur and Bali, in fact I have to venture out and find a travel agent this week along with calling Mr. Freddy the driver.

Happy Birthday Claire!
$14 massages?!!! That is a beautiful thing.
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